Christoph's last Weblog entries

Export org snippets to HTML
16th July 2015

Mostly a mental note as I've reinvented this the second time now. If you just quickly want to share some org-mode notes with some non-Emacs-users the built-in HTML export comes handy. However it has one Problem: All source syntax highlighting is derived from your current theme. Which of course is a bad idea if your editor has a dark background (say Emacs.reverseVideo: on). The same if your terminal's background color is dark.

Running Emacs in batch mode and still getting colorful code formatting seems to be an unsolved problem. All that can be found on the Internet suggests adding a dark background to your HTML export (at least to the code blocks). Or maybe use an external style-sheet. Both not exactly the thing if you just want to scp snippets of HTML somewhere to share. However there's a working hack:

#!/usr/bin/make -f

	xvfb-run urxvt +rv -e emacs -nw --visit $< --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill >/dev/null

So use a terminal you can easily force into light-background-mode (like urxvt +rv) so the emacs -nw runs in light-background-mode and wrap the thing in xvfb-run so you can properly run this over ssh (and don't get annoying windows pop up and disappear again when typing make)

Tags: emacs, web.

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