Christoph's last Weblog entries

Entries from October 2017.

Observations on Catalunya
4th October 2017

Some things I don't really understand reading in German media

Too bad I didn't keep the links / articles from Sunday night.

Tags: politics.
Another Xor (CSAW 2017)
3rd October 2017

A short while ago, FAUST participated in this year's CSAW qualification and -- as usual -- I was working on the Crypto challenges again. The first puzzle I worked on was called "Another Xor" -- and, while there are quite some write ups already our solution was somewhat different (maybe even the intended solution given how nice things worked out) and certainly interesting.

The challenge provides a cipher-text. It's essentially a stream cipher with key repeated to generate the key stream. The plain-text was plain + key + checksum.

p = this is a plaintextThis is the keyfa5d46a2a2dcdeb83e0241ee2c0437f7
k = This is the keyThis is the keyThis is the keyThis is the keyThis i

Key length

Our first step was figuring out the key length. Let's assume for now the key was This is the key. Notice that the key is also part of the plain-text and we know something about its location -- it ends at 32 characters from the back. If we only take a look at the encrypted key it should have the following structure:

p' = This is the key
k' = he keyThis is t

The thing to notice here is that every character in the Key appears both in the plain-text and key stream sequence. And the cipher-text is the XOR (⊕) of both. Therefore XOR over the cipher-text sequence encrypting the key should equal 0 (⊕(p') ⊕ ⊕(k') = 0). So remove the last 32 characters and find all suffixes that result in a XOR of 0. Fortunately there is exactly one such suffix (there could be multiple) and therefore we know the key size: 67.

To put it in code, this basically is the function we implemented for this:

def calculate(ciphertextcandidate):
    accumulator = 0
    for char in ciphertextcandidate:
        accumulator = accumulator ^ char

Which, for the matching plain-text and key-stream fragments is equal (due to the XOR encryption) to

def calculate(plainfragment, keyfragment):
    accumulator = 0
    for i in range(len(plainfragment):
        accumulator = accumulator ^ (plainfragment[i] ^ keyfragment[i])

Now XOR lets us nicely reorder this to

def calculate(plainfragment, keyfragment):
    accumulator = 0
    for i in range(len(plainfragment):
        accumulator = accumulator ^ (plainfragment[i] ^
                                     keyfragment[(i + 6) % len(plainfragment)])

And, as plainfragment[i] and keyfragment[(i + 6) % len(plainfragment)] are equal for the plain-text range encoding the key this becomes

def calculate(plainfragment, keyfragment):
    accumulator = 0
    for i in range(len(plainfragment):
        accumulator = accumulator ^ 0

Or simply 0 if the guess of the cipher-text range is correct.

Key recovery

Now the nice thing to notice is that the length of the key (67) is a prime (and 38, the plain-text length, is a generator). As a result, we only need to guess one byte of the key:

Assume you know one byte of the key (and the position). Now you can use that one byte of the key to decrypt the next byte of the key (using the area where the key is part of the plain-text). Due to the primeness of the key length this allows recovery of the full key.

Finally you can either print all 256 options and look for the one that looks reasonable or you can verify the md5sum which will give you the one valid solution, flag{sti11_us3_da_x0r_for_my_s3cratz}.


cipher = b"'L\x10\x12\x1a\x01\x00I[P-U\x1cU\x7f\x0b\x083X]\x1b'\x03\x0bR(\x04\r7SI\n\x1c\x02T\x15\x05\x15%EQ\x18\x00\x19\x11SJ\x00RV\n\x14YO\x0b\x1eI\n\x01\x0cE\x14A\x1e\x07\x00\x14aZ\x18\x1b\x02R\x1bX\x03\x05\x17\x00\x02\x07K\n\x1aLAM\x1f\x1d\x17\x1d\x00\x15\x1b\x1d\x0fH\x0eI\x1e\x02I\x01\x0c\x15\x00P\x11\\PXPCB\x03B\x13TBL\x11PC\x0b^\tM\x14IW\x08\rDD%FC"

def keycover(guess):
    key = dict()
    pos = 38
    key[38] = guess

    for i in range(67):
        newpos = (pos % 67) + 38
        key[newpos] = xor(cipher[pos:], key[pos])
        pos = newpos

        return b''.join([ key[i] for i in range(38, 105, 1) ])
        return b'test'

for guess in range(256):
    keycand = keycover(bytes([guess]))

    plaincand = xor(cipher, repeat(keycand, len(cipher)))

    if md5(plaincand[:-32]).hexdigest().encode() == plaincand[-32:]:
        print(keycand, plaincand)
Tags: crypto, csawctf, ctf, faust, security, writeup.
Looking for a mail program + desktop environment
3rd October 2017

Seems it is now almost a decade since I migrated from Thunderbird to GNUS. And GNUS is an awesome mail program that I still rather like. However GNUS is also heavily quirky. It's essentially single-threaded and synchronous which means you either have to wait for the "IMAP check for new mails" to finish or you have to C-g abort it if you want the user interface to work; You have to wait for the "Move mail" to complete (which can take a while -- especially with dovecot-antispam training the filter) before you can continue working. It has it's funny way around TLS and certificate validation. And it seems to hang from time to time until it is C-g interrupted.

So when I set up my new desktop machine I decided to try something else. My first try was claws-mail which seems OK but totally fails in the asynchronous area. While the GUI stays reactive, all actions that require IMAP interactions become incredibly slow when a background IMAP refresh is running. I do have quite some mailboxes and waiting the 5+ minutes after opening claws or whenever it decides to do a refresh is just to much.

Now my last try has been Kmail -- also driven by the idea of having a more integrated setup with CalDAV and CardDAV around and similar goodies. And Kmail really compares nicely to claws in many ways. After all, I can use it while it's doing its things in the background. However the KDE folks seem to have dropped all support for the \recent IMAP flag which I heavily rely on. I do -- after all -- keep a GNUS like workflow where all unread mail (ref \seen) needs to still be acted upon which means there can easily be quite a few unread messages when I'm busy at the moment and just having a quick look at the new (ref \recent) mail to see if there's something super-urgent is essential.

So I'm now looking for useful suggestions for a mail program (ideally with desktop integration) with the following essential features:

Tags: debian, linux, mail.

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