Christoph's last Weblog entries

Looking for a replacement Homeserver
11th August 2016

Almost exactly six years ago I bought one of these Fuloong 6064 mini PCs. The machine has been working great ever since both collecting my mail and acting as an IMAP server as well as providing public services -- it's also However jessie is supposed to be the last Debian release supporting the hardware and the system's rather slow and lacks memory. This is especially noticeable with IMAP spam filter training and mail indexing. Therefore I'm looking for some nice replacement -- preferably non-x86 again (no technical reasons). My requirements are pretty simple:

Now I'd consider one of these ARM boards and get it a nice case but they seem all to either fail in terms of SATA or not being faster at all (and one needs to go for outdated hardware to stand a chance of mainline kernel support). If anyone knows something nice and non-x86 I'll happily take suggestions.

Tags: debian, linux.

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