Christoph's last Weblog entries

Entries from May 2011.

Maintaining kFreeBSD buildds since one month
30th May 2011

At April 30, I took over maintenance of of Debian's kFreeBSD autobuilders. Means getting something like 4,5k e-Mails this month (gladly no need to sign all those 4k successful builds any more!), filling nearly 30 RC Bugs (quite a lot of which got fixed just within hours after filling, wow!), investigating some of the more strange build failures and such stuff. In general it turned out to be quite some fun.

Quite interesting which libraries turn out to be rather central to the Archive. I wouldn't have guessed that a uninstallable libmtp would prevent a reasonable fraction of the builds to fail -- including packages like subversion.

Packages builds failing because the disk space is exhausted may be something most of us have already witnessed, especially those here that use one of these small notebook hard drives. Build failures caused by a lack of RAM might certainly be imaginable as well, especially on highly parallel builds. But have you ever seen gcc fail because the virtual address space was exhausted on 32 bit architectures?

Also there's a interesting lot of packages with misspelled build dependencies which sbuild can't find and therefore can't build the package. Maybe having a lintian check for some of these problems would be a good idea?

I'm also regularly seeing build failures that look easy enough to fix -- like some glob in a *.install for some python package matching lib.linux*. I try to fix some of these as I see them but my time is unfortunately limited as well. Someone interested in quick&easy noticed about these kind of issues? I could put URLs to build-logs on or somewhere on IRC.

There are also some really strange failures like llvm, which builds flawlessly on my local kFreeBSD boxes all the time, inside and outside schroot but hangs all the time in the same testcase when building on any of the autobuilders (any hints welcome!) or perl failing on kfreebsd-amd64 selectively but all the time.

Tags: debian, foss, kfreebsd, porting.
Quick notes about PostgreSQL
17th May 2011

Imagine you have a old postgresql database. Further imagine it has it's encoding set to something like LATIN-1 but some PHP web application has put in UTF-8 strings. Now what would you do if you have some python application actually respecting the encoding and recoding the db content from latin-1 to UTF-8 giving you garbage. Seems you can easily trick postgresql to now believe it is UTF-8:

UPDATE pg_database SET encoding = 6 WHERE datname = 'foo';

For a summary of these magic numbers the PostgreSQL Manual is usefull.

Tags: dbs, postgresql, programmieren.
Thouhts on secure software archives
12th May 2011

From the java point of view

Recently I had to get some Scala Tool working correctly. Unfortunately there are basically no packages in the Debian Archive at all so I had to use maven to install these (or download + install manually). Being a highly paranoid person downloading and executing code from the internet without any cryptographic verification at all one after the other practically drove me nuts. Looking a bit deeper I noticed that some of the software in maven's repository have some signatures next to them -- signed by the author or release manager of this specific project.

Why secure sources matters

With my experience in mind I got some Input from other people. One of the things I was told is that some scala tools just aren't security critical -- they're only installed and used as the current user. In my opinion this is, for my desktop system, totally wrong. The important things on my private Computers are my GPG and SSH keys as well as my private data. For messing with these no super user access is needed at all.

Comparing to the Common Lisp situation

Being a Common Lisp fan of course I noticed basically the same problem for installing Common Lisp libraries. Here the situation in Debian is quite a bit better -- and I'm working in the pkg-common-lisp Team to improve this even more. Common Lisp has some maven-alike tool for downloading and installing dependency trees called quicklisp -- without any cryptographic verification as well. However there's light at the end of this tunnel: There are plans to add GPG verification of the package lists really soon.

Comparing the maven and the quicklisp model

So there are basically two different approaches to be seen here. In maven the software author confirms with his signature the integrity of his software while in quicklisp the distributor confirms all users get the same software that he downloaded. Now the quicklisp author can't and won't check all the software that is downloadable using quicklisp. This won't be doable anyway as there's way to much software or a single person to check.

Now in some kind of perfect World the maven way would be vastly superior as there's a End-To-End verification and verification of the full way the software takes. However there's a big problem: I don't know any of these Authors personally and there's no reason I should just trust any of them.

Now comparing this to the Distribution / quicklisp model. Here I would just have to trust one person or group -- here the quicklisp team -- to benefit from the crypto which might be possible based on karma inside the using community. However here I don't gain the possibility that the software is integer.

However idealized if some of these pieces of software was forged between upstream and the quicklisp team and attacker would also intercept me downloading the software from the same address so I get the source from upstream matching the checksum from quicklisp -- assuming the quicklisp team does indeed know the correct website. Additionally I get the confirmation that all other quicklisp users get the same source (if the quicklisp guys are fine of course) so no-one inside the community complaining is a good indication the software is fine. For this to work there's of course a relevant user-base of the distributor (quicklisp) necessary.

Relevance for Debian

So how do conventional Linux Distributions like Debian fit in here. Ideally we would have maintainers understanding and checking the software and confirming the integrity using their private key or at least know their upstreams and having at least a secured way getting the software from upstream and a trust relationship with them. Of course that's just illusionary thinking of complex and important software (think libreoffice, gcc or firefox for example). Maintainers won't fully understand a lot simpler pieces of software. And loads of upstream projects don't provide a verified way of getting the correct source code though that's a bit better on the real high-impact projects where checksums signed by the Release Manager are more common than in small projects.

A misguided thought at the end

As I'm a heavy emacs user I like to have snapshots from current emacs development available. Fortunately binary packages with this are available from a Debian guy I tend to trust who is also involved upstream so adding the key from his repository to the keyring apt trusts. Now my first thoughts were along the lines "It would be really nice if I could pin that key to only the emacs snapshot packages" so this guy can't just put libc packages in his repository and my apt would trust them. Now thinking of it again a bogus upload of the emacs snapshot package could just as well put some binary or library on the system at some place in front of the real on in the system path which would be rather similar bad.

Tags: debian, foss, linux, security, web.
Trying GNU/Hurd
6th May 2011

So this is a collection of things I came about when trying to get a Debian GNU/Hurd virtual machine running with kvm. Most of it is properly documented if you manage to find that particular piece of information.

Kernel Version

Due to a bug in linux 2.6.37 and .38 hurd will only boot if you supply -no-kvm-irqchip which is not that easy if you are using libvirt. A wrapper `kvm` script in the PATH will do, as will using a 2.6.39 kernel.


sudo will hang before returning from executing some command. I'm now using screen and sudo -i which keeps you a working tty gets you root and hasn't caused mayor trouble yet


openssh-server won't come up complaining about missing PRNG – and indeed there's no /dev/{u,}random in the default install. fix is to install random-egd from ports.

Tags: debian, howto, hurd, porting.

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