pass xdotool dmenu
27th June 2014
I've written a small dmenu-based script which allows to select
passwords from
one's pass password
manager and have it xdotool type
d in. This should
completely bypass the clipboard (which is distrusted by people for a
reason). As I've been asked about the script a few times in the past
here it is. Feel free to copy and any suggestions welcome.
#!/bin/bash list_passwords() { basedir=~/.password-store/ passwords=( ~/.password-store/**/*.gpg ~/.password-store/*.gpg ) for password in "${passwords[@]}" do filename="${password#$basedir}" filename="${filename%.gpg}" echo $filename done } xdotool_command() { echo -n "type " pass "$1" } selected_password="$(list_passwords 2>/dev/null| dmenu)" if [ -n "$selected_password" ] then xdotool_command "$selected_password" | xdotool - fi